Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Birthday Bunny

Www.the adventures of Gryff. Guess who's twenty one today.... Miss Freya, (aka Lintock Almost an Angel at Finglebern) and as on all birthdays we are whining (yes that is spelt correctly) and dining fit to bust. So if everybody would care to put their heads back and howl happy birthday with us,  we will get the fire extinguisher ready and light all those candles... Do you know what, she just said something very rude to me! Cheeky B....h! Lol. Cool runnings Gryff

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Guess who's in the poop....AGAIN!!

Www. The adventures of Gryff.....  Yes you guessed it, yours truly AGAIN. The troll is ticked off because I let his little secret out about whipped cream bikinis and how his eyes come out on stalks and his great big long green tongue falls out of his mouth when he gets all excited, and her indoors is well ticked off because I saw a couple of black labs in short skirts and turned my hearing aid off so I didn't hear a recall!!!! Oooops !  That technically was a bit of a misunderstanding .... That's my story and I am sticking to it! The fact that one was a fella and he wasn't impressed with me hitting on his girlfriend is beside the point. Infact he got a bit stroppy and took a pop at me. Her indoors said it was my fault for being pushy and hers for not seeing them and putting me on a lead. The fact that she can't see beyond her nose without glasses on is a joke, and even when she wears them, they steam up because it's so cold just lately. (a little weakness I have taken advantage of now and then ... OOOPS!) Well I was only trying to be friendly.... Bossy Black B..... I suppose now I will get stuck on a lead every time she hears a sparrow fart, or a dog bark in a radius of ten miles.... Best I work on that one. As for the troll, it was him who wanted "the birds and bees thing". I can't help it if he got carried away and dropped himself in the proverbial @@@@! He might know that what I fancy and what he likes would be totally different. For a start I want four legs not two, twice as much to look at! I just love big brown eyes... Who needs greens or greys, some blues are ok, cause I know this rather gorgeous collie and her eyes are blue. Preferably tri coloured, with long soft fur, or short short fur like a mini skirt (ok i will give him that one!) well you know what I mean. For all I know he likes greens and warts and wrinkly bits. (Heaven help me if her indoors sees this..... She'll never feed me again! No she's kind of pinky and brown not green). Well you guys know what I mean.... A bloke has to do what a bloke has to do. I suppose I had better go and make the piece with the two legs. They just have to realise I am a teenager now, with hormones and things. Gone is the well behaved puppy that loved to be cuddled and fussed. Now I want a motorbike... And I know just whose got one and where to find it.  Wonder if Uncle Robs about.... Bet AJ won't let him go out on the pull with me, no harm asking though...LOL. Cool runnings Gryff

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Megan Fox VS Freya Fox

Www. The adventures of Gryff.... Well it's been a while since I managed to talk to you, (her indoors has screwed up the password and I couldn't get in to the blogg. Glad it wasn't me, she's about as good with computers as a chocolate fire guard!!!!! Talking of chocolate and whipped cream the troll and I had a bit of a man to man talk the other night, and he explained all about bikinis, made from chocolate and or whipped cream. Apparently his three favourite models would be Megan Fox, some female called Huntley and another whose name starts off with Naomi... Didn't know one of them and personally although I like cream I would have preferred a nice juice steak or a pot of pâté. Well no accounting for tastes.... Anyway the upshot of his conversation was that he was well pleased with my scores and that I should consider getting a girlfriend, but I have to bring them all home for his inspection and opinion. NOw I don't ever remember him asking my opinion on girls EVER. I know when he's looking at one because his eyes roll and his long green tongue falls out of his mouth and he starts panting. VERY undignified if you ask me! So as the saying goes WE WILL SEE.  Anyway unfortunately Freya heard part of the conversation.... The bit I assume about Megan Fox and got the entirely wrong end of the stick. She did no more than go running off , find some FOX poo, roll in it and go running back to the troll, all scented up and expecting cuddles. Never seen a girl so upset. He wouldn't have anything to do with her, and hen when they got home he was washing and scrubbing her all over with anything he thought would kill the PERFUME. He even put a load of talc thro her fur and brushed it all out again.  So the moral of that one is LISTEN TO THE WHOLE CONVERSATION IF U R EVESDROPPING.  Bless her little furry heart, she does love the old green warty bad tempered old fart. Cool runnings Gryff