Monday 20 August 2012

Blonde blonde blonde blonde...

Anybody remember the old advert and the tune for Skol? Bit before my time but I've heard the troll singing it.... Well just replace the Skoll word with blonde blonde blonde blonde, and you will be singing about one of my all time favourite two legged aunties. That's right aunty J , you know who you are! The lady two legs have been e mailing each other all day, so I think it must be one of those very infectious things u get on computers , because there's not a lot to choose between them at the moment. Her indoors is slightly annoyed with HRH princess Theia, £400 for the op, nearly £100 in extra bandages pls £56 for antibiotics and the stitches are still in  till next week. Add to that the old Codger having to have his ear drained AGAIN so he will be Mr Grumpy for a couple of days, plus the all in wrestling competitions to put his drops in for the next couple of weeks, and I can see why people can loose the plot. Me, well I am super cool at the moment... Chilled to the extreme.... Family silver duly found and replaced, with about thirty seconds to spare before the head dog returned home on Saturday. Did ok at my show on Thursday, well at least my lovely Nan thinks so... Just need her to tell me when and where for  some more.  The Troll is busy bellowing about thirty five miles away so he s out of hearing range and her indoors has caught this blonde thing so I should be able to get away with just about anything. Canine heaven! Not a lot more to say really than...BLONDE BLONDE BLONDE BLONDE...Cool runnings Gryff

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