Thursday, 17 October 2013

I hate I cloud......

Www.the adventures of Gryff..... Bet you were all wondering where I had got to! Well so had I!!! It's taken me one year and nine months to train my secretary on this gadget and then the @@@@@@ have to go and change it all without asking. I knew her indoors would panic when she saw everything was going to change with this I cloud thing and I thought she made a very sensible decision to not touch it till uncle Lawrence was about to pick up the pieces and glue her back together.  What I didn't bargain for was the troll interfering when my tail was turned. He just has to play, wouldn't mind but he has three computers of his own so why play with mine? Anyway yesterday I escorted her indoors up to the computer shop with the I pad, her I phone ( the two had had a row and weren't s peaking to each other anymore, or even for that matter agreeing on e mails coming in)  and sat there till it was all fixed. Then being a careful soul, we took them over to uncle Lawrence to get his considered opinion. Got to say the bloke in that shop is ok. She never looked like having a panic attack or getting upset and she even managed to say pardon and he repeated everything again without getting cross. What a difference to the troll trying to teach us. I keep telling him that her indoors is more dog than computer minded and that's why she knows what we are saying and he doesn't!  Anyway after an exchange of info on doggy diet, help for old age in a spotty dog, and how to calm down a labradoodle (sorry about the bad language)  we walked out the shop, as usual, free of charge. Who says the barter system is dead, complete with instructions to just "wander in anytime if there's a problem, and not to let the troll touch it!!!!! So folks I am back on the air so to speak. Having said that, life is really quiet at the mo. The kids are all having a monster of a time in their new homes. Merlin got an invite for another holiday last Sunday , tizzys gone off with her boyfriend, so that leaves me in charge of five dogs , three cats and a bad tempered troll.  Oh and a major hint here NANNY..... TED , Saxon and I will be having a party on the 2nd of November....... Cool runnings Gryff

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