Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The law catches up with the Kray Twins !!!

Www. The adventures of Gryff. Now the pups have left home, I am finding it increasingly difficult to get the two legs out of bed at 5am. The old trout did twenty years of bright and earlys, the pups arrived, and just because she's retired, she thinks that she can have a lie in every day now. Well this morning, I think it's fair to say she got the shock of her life and flew out of bed! I did get her up, had a bit of brekkie, a quick cuppa and sent them back to bed, and  the phone rang. Her face was a picture, IT WAS THE LAW! Both the two legs clay pigeon  shoot, and the troll changed one of his guns about four months ago, and because there are two licences in the house, all guns according to the local law are listed on both bits of paper. Anyway, somebody had bought the gun down in Sussex and was registering it, AND IT WAS STILL REGISTERED TO US.  Question is, was it a Kray twins special that the two legs didn't know about, or wàs it really a mistake by the gunsmiths that bought it off the Troll. When u buy or sell a gun, both parties to the transaction have to notify the authorities in their area independently BY POST. Unfortunately not always the most reliable medium these days, and the law, using their now national database were throwing a bit of a wobbly. Personally I can well understand this as the thought  of Asti and Lace tooled up to their delicate little ears scares me to death. It would be like the gunfight at the O K Corral in a western. Asti already has disposed of various bodies... Stretch the ostrich, Stritch his replacement, myrtle the turtle is missing, believed lost. Knotted rope was found shredded all over the garden,  pengui had two lots of surgery before finally passing to the ice float in the sky. Then there were at least three teddy bears from the heavy mob, the list just goes on and on.  Oh well, hopefully it's all now sorted out, and the right bits of paper and the article they refer to are now sorted out officially, and her indoors can sleep in peace. I suppose that means she will want a lie in tomorrow.....WELL NO WAY HONEYBUN, we want our  walk and breakfast first. Funny I don't remember her being quite so grey before the phone call...... Perhaps I should suggest she has some new streak things put in her hair to cover up the ones she just got. She always says we are making her feel old. Cool runnings Gryff

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