Monday 11 March 2013

OK... Now I am really ticked off!

Www. The adventures of Gryff.... Ok now I am really ticked. Off they all go at some time in the middle of the night to the best dog party in the world... They got snow, sarnies, and a brill day out and what did we get??????? Somebody dragging us out of our nice warm beds,  hauled round the countryside in a howling gale. Force fed breakfast, and it's still only 4am, and then we get told to look after the troll and the house for the day because she's off gadding about to Crufts. What does she take us for?  So where's the fun in watching the troll put his corn plasters on so he can ballet dance across the floor that he has just cleaned. It took us hours to finish our masterpiece... We called it NEVERENDINGPAWS and he destroys it without a thought. It could have been worth thousands to the right art critic.... Then he goes back to bed and leaves us sitting there like a load of soft toys. Did she give us a thought... No she just abandoned us. That's the second time she's done that, just waltzed off and left us and I am only sixteen months old. And then when they all came falling through the front door she hadn't brought a thing back for us. NOTHING NOT EVEN A SAUSAGE. They were all so full of who they'd seen, what they'd nearly bought and discussing all the totty that was there.  Atleast AJ found a nice collar for Lola .... It was only £385 all covered in sparklies but they didn't have it in pink so she missed out on that. Echo nearly got a four poster bed but again they didn't have one that was big enough, there was always an excuse! It makes you think seriously  about changing bedrooms...... Where was the consideration? All this  about being  'connected' , two and four legs as a team!  That's it she can move out of my bedroom now!  Totally unforgiven. Cool runnings Gryff

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