Sunday, 20 January 2013

Snowy Sunday with bells on!

Www.the adventures of Gryff..... We have had the most brilliant of mornings today. Her indoors got hold of the Troll this morning by his bad toe and dragged him out of bed, telling him he had to go out for a walk in the snow with us before it all disappears... It was so funny!  Anyway, twenty seven layers later , the troll and the four of us plus her indoors are off out to find a nice snowy set of fields to run over. If you are wondering why only four Berners... Tizzy is clubbing and pubbing round at our uncle Steves, and Merlin went out on Friday with uncle Rob and Dexter for an all boys day on Brancaster beach to CELEBRATE  Robs birthday. Needless to say, the three geriatrics have been suffering since. All that food and alcohol if u ask me!!! As far as Ghostie the jelly dog, well we made sure all three cats were in to baby sit him, so there was this great big ball of white to smoky grey fur with Ghostie as the pillow at the bottom. He really really hates getting wet and some of us think that really he is a cat in dogs clothing. Anyway, her indoors dragged the troll for miles  with us running around and playing indians, and having a major time in the snow. Anyway after about an hour and a half, old moaning milly says he s cold and wants a mac Donald's. Well her indoors isn't keen on what she calls junk food (personally I think it's great) so off we went , and when he came out he had his great big bag. We got home, and the toast went on for our elevenses ( she gave us breakfast at 5 so we could all run around later on ) and he walks in saying he's got seven sausage mcmuffins and his breakfast.... Well as I said, only five dogs, BONUS! So elevenses consisted of a mac muffin plus each and our pate n toast, with a nice warm cuppa.  Needless to say he wouldn't tell her how much it came to, but on this occasion we are all on his side. ..... Well wouldn't you be? Now all we need is a nice quiet doze ...... Zzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz. Cool runnings Gryff

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