Monday, 15 July 2013

Something is going .......

I know it is, I am absolutely sure it is, and more to the point , nobody has told me what it is!!!!! Her indoors keeps creeping off at stupid o'clock in the morning, after she's dragged us out, and coming home looking like she's had a trolls make over. She's all covered in green splodges and  her nails are green, even her hair has got green streaks in it! And then last night, she turns up with Merlin in tow. He's been on one of his retirement short breaks with his bit of totty Lola the St Bernard. Never known a dog have a retirement like his. He calls here, stops there, goes out in his side car, down to the beach,  but in fairness I have to say, when he got home last night he hopped into his saggy baggy thing, had tea in bed and apart from the snoring we haven't heard a bark out of him. In fact he even went a little poddle on his own this morning. BUT the fact remains he knows what she up to and I don't! Keep walking by and giving him a nudge but he's having none of it.just lifts a lip and tells me to go away and  PLAY. PLAY! ME HOW OD DES HE THINK I AM? Well personally I think it's a bit warm, so while I consider my best options to get it out of him, I shall go and lie on my big cold wet towel, strategically parked in the shade. There has got to be a way to find out..... Cool runnings Gryff

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