Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Puppy's on the way

Well she is.... All that pinching of food is for a reason.... Big sis is expecting, the scan and the vet agree on it. All they had to do was ask FUZZBALL and she would have told them but like a lot of females she chose to keep her own council till the last minute. Now what worries me is the Son of Aragog is still free...... Spiders can't eat puppy's can they? I remember how scared I used to be of Brutus the Buzzard. He always made me feel like I was on the menu but now I am too big to fly off with. Guess I will have to swop watches with her indoors and make sure he isn't about. In fairness , it's a couple of days since he lost his last lot of building to the Hoover so perhaps he has given up and moved out. Then apparently madam gets her own four poster basket for the next few weeks, to say nothing of a gourmet chef at her paws call, and maid service into the bargain. Spoilt or what? Yesterday her indoors took her and Merlin down to the Marina for a quiet gentle walk on the riverside...... Guess she didn't hear the quiet gentle bit. Haring around like a wobbly jelly, talking to every dog she could find, and there were loads, until her indoors put her on her lead and drove them home. She was the talk of the riverbank when Theia and I got there. All the two legs clucking and wanting to knit puppy sox etc. Theia looked at me, I looked at her and we both cleared off into the water. What is it with two legs and puppy's ? All that poop and wingeing, sleepless nights and stuff. Yuk yuk yuk! yes I know Nanny Broels, I was a puppy once too..... I promise to try and behave ....(cross my paws as I bark that lol). Actually Freya is not a bad older sister really. She taught me how to surf, how to do the old bowl shuffle, and how to bark at silly noises. Guess I will have to carry on while she is busy, and I could even try teaching Theia. Now that would be cool.... That way they wouldn't have a clue who pinched what would they? I know that the chef thing is cool, we are getting all sorts of goodies on this healthy diet, eggs cheese chicken , the odd bit of cat food ( I know but waste not want not lol) .... And my all time fav SAUSAGES. That's it, got to go.... See what's on the menu. Don't forget you can keep up with things on my blogg.... www. The adventures of Gryff bloggspot and be one of my friends. Take care.. Cool runnings Gryff

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