Saturday, 4 February 2012

Bring it on baby....

Bring it on baby, it's just got to happen.... Snow snow snow snow, I want snow!!! Today is shaping up as one of the best days I have had so far in my short life. I may not have mentioned this before, but my dad is French ( hence my good looks and charm) and this morning Mr Grumpy had to admit that he had forgotten to purchase our pate... Oops! So as a gesture of appeasement he decided to break out the Boursin ( frog cheese for the cats of this world). And to my absolute and total disbelief there was only three of us that liked it ( uneducated heathens if you ask me) so guess what..double quantities. BLISS. I ate my breakfast first of course Nanny Broels.... I can hear you even though you are fifty miles away, bet you say " eat your crusts it will make your fur curl " too. Anyway, when we stopped for our walk on the way into work, we noticed all the water birds were either sitting on the bits of ice or worse still as far as I was concerned, swimming about in the freezing water. Now our truck read minus seven this morning so who do you think is the sensible one? Anyway, we keep being told four to eight inches of that magical White stuff, late pm to evening, so she who must be obeyed decided to be a total wimp and leave for home early. It's about thirty five miles each way and it's all country lanes with huge dykes and drains every where so I suppose we could let her off, but there wasnt a water bird in sight.... Not even the two geese that challenge you down New Cut... It is getting so cold that they have taken shelter off the water, and out of this lazy wind. ( a lazy wind goes through your fur instead of around you). Makes me wonder how all the wild life survives when it's as cold as today. Add to that the White grey sky and it's pretty much got to happen... And all the main roads have already been salted... Probably saving overtime, no Sunday working. Anyway when we got home, Sir had been out doing the hunter gatherer thing. He was one of the people in the bakers who had bought twice the amount of stuff to put in the freezer incase we get snowed in. I ask you, four Bernese, not an ice-cream in hells chance of that happening! But on this occasion he had also been to the butchers to get his burgers for tea. Now being the lovely gents that they are they sent us a food parcel fit to bust. Five of the most stunning marrow bones I have ever seen. In fairness I have to say these were the first ones I had ever seen but they were so lip smacking that we couldn't wait. An hour later, including all the interruptions ( checking up I was if) I am totally shattered and in seventh heaven. ( and she won't make me clean my teeth again tonight) So you can see why my day is turning into an absolute cracker. French cheese, snow and my first marrow bone. Tell you what, if I get up in the morning and the weather men have got it wrong , I shall be so ticked off I will chase them off the tv. Anyway, I can smell beef burgers, so would you mind if I take a rain check till next time. Keep everything crossed because I mean what I bark......Snow or else you weather runnings Gryff


  1. Hope you get the snow you want little man and glad you liked you bone and cheese you are one lucky boy along with the others that is.
    love to see some pictures if you get the snow too
    love to all xxx

  2. Hold on to the memories aunty Kath and uncle Mike. U r the best a dog could ask for. Xx
