Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Anybody need a Berner ?

Anybody give a home to a Berner in trouble out there.... 01269843084 Many Tears About six months old and in a bit of a state. The rescue home has called him BOB.... Mum says she would but the troll says there's not enough room on his bed for any more.... On a more humerous note, what is it about fox poo that you two legs don't like? Big sis Freya went for a walk with the troll this afternoon and did she plaster it on all over or what. Mum says she will have to go in the washing machine with loads of soap powder on a 40degree wash, and we say she smells great. All her White bits are the most interesting shade of brown grey colour. The whole house smells of it, well at least our part does. No heating on tonight then. Do you think she means it.... I don't think that Freya will fit through the washing machine door, or is she planning to take her to a laundrette do you think? Just think all you show dogs could be washed and tumble dried every time you went to a! Think of the money and time it would save! Miss Flo is back at work now, she was on sick leave with kennel cough if you remember... Well she is up to her old tricks. I swear she does it to wind her mum Aunty Jackie up. She waits till you fill our great big water bowl up , and then when no one is looking she gives it a thump and turns it upside down... Not once but twice this morning. I hate water but at this rate I am going to have to learn to swim. The two legs were not amused.. Surprise surprise! We have a special treat for tea tonight. Shepherds pie...awesome. Looking at it a minute ago I was wondering just how many shepherds are in it? I mean there are no arms or legs hanging out of the dish, but then mum doesnt tell porkies so I guess they must be chopped up small. Can't wait, ovens on and I am going to sit by it and watch the clock thing till it's ready. I know I pinched Theias tea but she shouldn't have left it lying around, I'll give her one of my shepherd to make up for it... Don't forget to have a look at that Many Tears, he is only a baby like me... Cool runnings Gryff

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