Saturday, 3 August 2013

Asti applies to Bark-A-Lona

Now our Asti has always been nuts about BALLS (the round bouncing variety) while the Troll is Barkalona potty. Put the two together and it will always add up to trouble. He had to go and open his great big bone shoot and tell her all about the football schools that exist and that was it. Nothing will do but Barkalona! After months of practise in the garden, the Troll told her he thought now was the time. Between the two of them they have everything sorted.... Transport to Spain , how to find the stadium (complete with map) , accommodation , shirt number (666) on blue and grape, with the name Nasti or E Vil to help frighten the opposition . Next thing you know they will be discussing managers fees, transfer fees, and whose going to supply her boots. Now there we have a slight problem.... One sponsor or two, front or back paws or left and right. Got to say Asti is very definately left pawed..... So that's got to be the main sponsor. Then there's all the grooming kit, and the fur fluffing that goes on...... AND DOES SHE HAVE TO SHARE THE CHANGING ROOMS? Got to say there can't be many footballers as quick or as agile as she is. ..... Think there's a lot of sorting out to be done. Think when I get home (been offered extra days at nannys hip hip horray)  I had better put my best ideas forward and see what's in it for the rest of us. Cool runnings Gryff

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