Friday, 9 August 2013

Death of a Saggy Baggy thing!

You can tell I am away from home. Sounds like the Kray twins are running wild. Just you wait you little @@@@@@ . I'll more than dust your fur for you come Saturday.....!!!  Theia decided that she was most comfortable in Merlins Saggy Baggy thing when it came to having her pups, and nothing and nobody could change her mind. Didn't matter she had this proper large whelping pot just for her. Oh no it had to be the saggy baggy thing.  Now Merlins had it quite a few years and when it arrived in the sale I know it was half price at about £70, and destined to be a doggy heirloom. (Which means of course that one day I would inherit it!)  Anyway after the arrival of the pups the washable bits were washed and the big padded sides were scrubbed and scrubbed and left outside on the bench in the sun to dry. Basically it was too heavy being water logged to go upstairs and into the bath for a good long soak and be properly washed. Even one of those shop washer things was considered but it was the sheer weight that meant it was hard to move. Anyway yesterday it rained and instead of drying it got even heavier.... And was left on the bench for another night. Anyway this morning when it was shift change about 1.30am the troll stood there all ashamed and blushing. He had left the Kray twins outdoors FOR ONLY A FEW MINUTES HONESTLY!!! And they had totally demolished the saggy baggy thing and had a total foam tossing party everywhere .... In the bushes, down the path, all over the dog room, it looked like a blizzard had hit. Her indoors went potty! DO U KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO DOGS THAT SWALLOW FOAM?   CAN'T LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR FIVE MINUTES?   LOOK AT THE MESS add infinitum.( well she only got about eight  hours sleep from Saturday night to date, so to say she's a bit cranky is probably an understatement ) anyway out came the dustpan and various brushes and the worst was tided up. BUT if you remember I said the cushion was taken out and washed separately.  This morning, our head sir dog decides he wants his saggy baggy thing back...... So her indoors puts the cushioning back in the cover and puts it down where it should be. Merlins face was a picture.....YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! I WANT MY SAGGY BAGGY THING!  Passes wind very loudly and stomps off in a major paddy. Need I say more..... Guess everybody is on short rations till another saggy baggy thing is found (if they still make them) and most especially the Kray twins. Cool runnings Gryff

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