Sunday, 18 August 2013

I told you so....

Www. The adventures of Gryff.
I told you so.... I said not to wind her indoors up any more cause she won't take any prisoners and what do they do? Just about everything they can to guarantee a mass grounding, removal of all privileges and the sealing of the biscuit barrel add infinitum. Not even Merlin has got away with being a cantankerous old coot! Got to admit the two piles or ironed washing on the utility work surface was something that even I wouldn't have done in my puppy days. That was bordering on insanity in my opinion.... But that's the Kray twins for you. As a senior sane peace loving mega creeping Bernese , my advice is never EVER have two pups together unless  you can keep them apart at times. What one thinks of the other one does and vice versa. Individually well mannered etc, put them together and the SAS had better look out!  It wouldn't have been so bad but AFTER BATHING HRH because she went walkabout at 2am, they pulled all the bath towels off the line, so one half of the washing had already been washed twice before it got folded and put on the work surface anyway. Oh well third time lucky, but her indoors took it personally. ......  Then she got a text from a friend saying he was joining then for a late lunch, and for love nor money could she find the sausages she knew she had  got out the freezer..... Well only the wrapping, so instead everybody had a mixed grill with chips rather than a BBQ. I mean think about it girls..... We always get BBQ and we lost out totally this time. .... And I think today is just going to be a continuation, judging by the way she bathed my face and FORCE FED me my tablet. Ok I haven't suddenly gone off cheese... But why should I make her life easy? Mind I won't do it again! Do you know what she did? She bit me!!!! First of all I knew it was in my toast, bloody great big PINK PILL. Then she wrapped it in cheese.... STILL A BIG PINK PILL... So I ate the cheese of course, then she rolled it in Roule which I adore, and I licked it off and then she tried to pry my jaws open and choke me to death by putting it down my throat. STILL A BIG PINK PILL. Anyway I didn't mean to but..... I caught her fingers. With that she said a very rude, very un-Bernese word and bit the end of my nose . I was so shocked, my bottom jaw hit the floor (figuratively speaking) and before i knew it she had  thrown the pill in just like a grenade and held my mouth shut till I had swallowed it. Gives a new meaning to the word bitch if you ask me.....AND she says she's going to put ne of those stupid plastic collars on me if needs be. Well she's got to catch me first is all I can say, AND DON'T YOU ALL DARE SIDE WITH HER AND TELL ME IT'S TO MAKE ME BETTER....... Puddlefart it is! Oh and just to make her day. One of the cats has fallen in the river and has come home stinky and covered in seeds and gunge. Wash that one baby!!!!! Oooops she heard me, time to disappear . Cool runnings Gryff

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