Friday 13 April 2012

I knew it, I said she was upset....

I told you so, I said HRH was all upset.... All that hard work half cream half black and mum didn't even say a word... So today she really went for it. She decided to go really fashionable and go wild animal. Zebra to be exact. Really nice stripes, with a big blodge on her bum. She looked really cool. Me, well I kept it simple . Just the tips of my ears and over the top of my nose. I thought I looked a bit like a Nubian warrior or an Aborigine. Well that's what I went for anyway. I personally think she indoors was best, cause she missed her footing coming off the ladder and you should have seen her. LOL LOL. Paint everywhere except on the wood or the plaster. I suppose I shouldn't laugh but it was funny. I think every stitch of clothing she was wearing is currently in the washing machine. Oh and you know we were worried about how we were going to get our bones and things. Well now dad has sorted out that one of the ladies that works there is going to drop off our bones and mince and stuff so dad won't have to worry. Anyway it's time for tea and I need to go upstairs with the Troll to sort out our gear for clay pidgeon shooting tomorrow. Take care Bryn and your two legs coming home, hope you have filled up on cream teas and pasties. Remember NO HOLES. Cool runnings Gryff

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gryff - I'm HOME and I brought the clotted cream with me, now just want Mum to make the scones and we can all have a cream tea. Although it sounds like someone has already had the cream, got any photos!!
    See you soon, Bryn
